''hello my name is boon mun im from 3 meranti im so proud of myself because dynamitez won national champion !!! and r L b den they created a comic book about monkeys.'' haha next time its gonna be longer kay. anyways im so bored now its been awhile since i blogged maybe its coz i dont know what to talk about =.= ok! first up trials can scss!! ahah n im beginning to like maths more n more n its a good thing rite?haah moral sucks i needa memorize 7 bidangs grrr everything is making me gonuts one thing i miss da most is my CHEER n my frens ;P btw wheres my mom , sis , dad ? :( Black Rogue is performing this saturday at sunway lagoon dont miss it! did i mentioned dat i LOVE sushi . its very addictive especially dat california rolls man so then me n familay went to eat at JOgoYA it was my parents 19th anniversary dinner. Its a great place to eat for those sushilovers.thers some pics i can show ya

BIG apple...


eww wasabi
i love this
sis posing
When all are closed , just us remain