October 17, 2007

Boy i'm sorry now, you are the last thing on my mind (:

Driving was fun . (: I'm the driver of the day . In the picture below you can see i'm passing the Pasar malam .

Passengers are Chin lee and Li wei (: No pictures to post . I fetch Li wei from her house . my turning sucks and i improved AT LAST. after fetching Li wei. me, drive them to mcdonalds @ uptown. to get chin lee's mcflurry. and next ss2. DISASTER. I banged a UNSER. but just a bit of scratches. so yeah.. (:

I'm passing a BMW. (;

today is another boring day for me. might be going out with Lim Chin Lee later. and I feel exhausted. grr.. i wanna sleep now. i predict that is going rain soon :) okay, bye bye peps.

1 comment:

Yuen May said...

You really can drive? *cries*