April 13, 2008

Picture picture picture !

Hey hey hey , im back ! Firstly , i want to apologise for FFk- ed my beloved friend . Sorry ! i couldn't go out cause i need to train maplestory .
Secondly , i Dont anti - social , people . Wrong timing to go out ! Ok , whats a use of a blog without picture ! I mean , mostly people check out bloggers is to see picture only right . They dont really read i guess ?
Well , i got a few pictures taken from Lixian handphone last week or something .
Wow , her SonyE phone rock ! Credits go to her for taking the pictures ! .
Dam lazy to blog about it . So , i decided to blog today !
Lol , i got a few picture of my Bao bei Maple acc ! Scroll down and check it out ! CHIO hor ? Ok , i just realise Cascada song are Nice =D . Her best song is ''I wanna stand with you on a mountain '' currently .
If you like sweet song , then go download it and here i BET you all loves it .
Ok la , its already hitting 1.30am . And i guess i Go back maple now . Anything find me there =D
Bye , readers . Go sleep ! Look at yourself at the mirrow , are you all a Panda now ?
Good night .

I would like to intro myself again , babypam HERE !
...there she GOES falling down ....
And there she goes back uP to heaven !
And finally she's widely awake !
Smile whenever u take a photoshot !
wah ! I guess im Dreaming of you , NOT !

Dumbo / notty / messy me =D
Boo ya ! i will be your nightmareeeeee
Emo girl .
Emo T.T
YEA , he will be there for me =D
Good ! This freaking project i think i did it since sec 3 . Im still keeping it =D Incase you wanna know what it is made of , it is made of clay . Does the picture look familier ? Its a maple monster ! Sweet hor i make it , even do it is a lifeless thing , but still , they Seems happy and sweet . They are always sticking together no matter what ! I wish i could be as happy as them ! OH NO , im going NUTS . ZZZZZ

Posted : babypam

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